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To create a Personal Assessment link that you can email to one or more individuals, please follow these steps:

Selected Client:
Select the applicable client name from the drop down menu to get a list of existing folders you have permission to access.

STEP 2 (if applicable):
Choose the folder you want your completed assessments to go into from the available existing folders and subfolders. Your existing folders will appear here AFTER you complete Step 1.

STEP 3 (optional, this will create a new folder if you need one):
Folder Name:

Name the folder that you want assessments generated from this event to go into, but only enter something in this field if your folder does not already exist in the menus found above in step 2. If your folder already exists, leave this field blank and read the following paragraphs.

For example, if all of the assessments are going to be from the accounting department, you may want those assessments in a folder called “Accounting”.  If these assessments are going to be used in November 12’s sales meeting, you may want to use a folder called “November 12 Sales Meeting”.

To select an existing folder, simply navigate to it and select (click on) it in the “Folders assigned to this client” or “Additional subfolders” menus in step 2.

If the folder you want to use does not yet exist, navigate in step 2 to the parent folder you want the new folder to reside in, select (click on) the folder you want to use as the parent folder, and enter the desired new folder name in the “Folder Name” field.

NOTE: The parent folder will be the very last folder shown in step 2. If you have additional folders shown below the folder that you intend to be the parent folder, go to the appropriate drop down menu(s) and choose “Select Folder” to deselect these subfolders. If you want this new folder to be under the root organization directory (you might want to do this if you want to organize assessments by department), make sure that only the first drop down menu in step 2 appears (it should say “Folders assigned to this client” right above it, not “Additional Subfolders”) and that “Select Folder” is chosen. Doing this with any subfolders showing will cause them to close and disappear from step 2.

Link Name:

Give your Personal Assessment link a name. This link name is for your use only and will not be seen by anyone else. It is a simple way for you to track active links and disable links you don’t want to use anymore. Because of this, link names need to be unique. One easy way to achieve this is to include the date in the event name. For example: “Team Meeting Feb 17”.

Allow user to view their own report:

Checking this box will allow anyone who uses this link to view their assessment report upon completion.

Click this “Submit” button.

Once you submit this info, you will receive a system-generated link that you can copy/paste into an email to send to anyone that you want to have take an assessment. A single link can be used for just one assessment or for multiple assessments.


Questions? Contact Eric Moore at or (317) 804-9440.